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Do you need to deliver in many languages?

Translate and localize quickly and accurately with Skribenta.

We used to always let manuals be translated by an external agency. Now, we don’t need them for DTP work, so we save money.

Ben Smeenk, ATAG

With Skribenta localization is made easy

Skribenta's built-in translation support is the ultimate tool for managing translation and localization of your technical documentation. It automates the translation workflow by analyzing translation needs, packaging translation jobs, reusing translations, and building localized publications.

Built-in translation memory

Rather than storing entire translated files, Skribenta saves blocks of text within a translation memory. The ability to translate smaller segments of documentation along the product development road means less errors, and more on-the-fly publishing.

  • Only new and changed segments need attention when translating a new release. The rest is automated.

  • Intelligent matching of segments means that translations can be reused even when some part of the segment differs, such as only a value or product name.

  • Even text in images can be translated, thanks to the text layer that our image editor adds.

  • If you reorder or remove content, or make a new variant with already translated content, your localization can be fully automated. Just click a button and get your localized document without the need to involve a translator at all.

  • At any time, you can get a clear picture of exactly how much translation is needed for a delivery - Skribenta will give you a report in seconds.

  • You can be certain that you own the memory - not the translation agency.

Automated localization

Localization is more than just translation.

  • Rely on our unit conversion function to automatically convert between the metric and imperial units, or other units that are different in different cultures.

  • Our style sheets make sure that your content looks good in all languages, even though they need different amounts of space.

  • Control how text in images grow and shrink in translation, so they always work with the graphics.

  • If needed, fonts are automatically selected, so they cover the scripts used in your translated content.

Localization workflow

Large documentation projects can consist of many publications, translated into dozens of languages. Without proper support, keeping track of the status of everything can be a daunting challenge. Skribenta keeps you in control by showing the current status of all translations, and by presenting you with clear options what steps are possible at every stage.

  • Select a method to define your translation scope and analyze your content within that scope to see exactly what needs to be translated.

  • Choose your source language and target languages.

  • Do you prefer to sometimes translate internally? Your staff may not have access to the translation tools available to professional translators. With the convenient Translator role, Skribenta lets you allocate translation jobs internally directly in Skribenta.

  • Or send the job to a professional translation agency for processing.

  • Receive the result and start reviewing incrementally as it is ready, language by language.

  • Choose when to approve and commit the translations to memory.

  • Found problems with your translations? Set up an improvement project and define exactly what should be retranslated.